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LeadingShe is a podcast where women leaders use their voices, wisdom and experiences to help elevate and inspire other women.⁣

LeadingShe Podcast Logo | Female Empowerment Podcast
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Susan Branscome is the creator and host of the Podcast, LeadingShe.  Forty years of living and working in our gender-biased society has prepared her for the task of interviewing these courageous women, and to share stories and insights of her own along the way.

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About LeadingShe

LeadingShe was begun to help women take charge of their careers - learning from those of us who have... "learned the hard way". And guys, this podcast can be helpful to you as well...allowing you to obtain ideas to create a more collaborative and gender neutral workplace. I hope you enjoy...LeadingShe.


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The Five Dysfunctions of a Team

Patrick Lencioni

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Bob Buford

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Fierce Conversations

Susan Scott

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Think And Grow Rich

Napoleon Hill


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